Mascot Toby and Holly welcome you to the 2018 Bark B Q
The Shelties seen on this page are not adoptable. These dogs are all members of happy Sheltie households. Many have come through Maine Sheltie Rescue for new home placement. These are guests at our 2018 BARK B Q event. !
Annually Maine Sheltie Rescue has a Bark B Q on the first Saturday in June. Stay tuned for information closer to the event day, or inquire HERE.
Maggie and her Dad
 Maggie so sweet!
Greeting from Simon 
Skipper Boy amd Sister Sue dressed for the party…
The Mascot Toby and friends dressed and ready to greet their fur friends!
Ziggie makes a friend…
Rocky makes a friend!
Watching the dog parade…
Deb and Shelties watch the parade!
Keeping the Shelties safe!
 Brandi & McCloud in the Parade…
Perri with sweet Bonnie in the parade…
The Parade contines!
Ginny with Skipper Boy and Little Miss
Ruth walk sweet Sara in the parade…
The parade continues…
The Parade was such fun!
Sue parading her Sheltie
Lee with his Shelties Jack & Obi
The parade continues!! Sweet fun… We apologize for the camera malfunction…
Laurie enjoys the parade with her Sheltie…
Parade of Shelties Arthur and Sadie
Dog Talk…while Mascot Toby ignores them all…. hehehe
John and mom hanging out with Toby
Visiting together enjoying the day…
Holly and Sage sharing smiles!
Toby says Hi to Myrna and her Boarder Collie
Thank you Diane for this lovely donation….
Thank you, Elizabeth for this cute donation…
All together – The Shelties and their MSR families!